Monday 6 June 2011

Born This Way

Funny story.
Saturday was the first summery day we've had this year.  Sunshine, warmth, playing in the backyard.  The first time I got the kiddie pool set up this year!  I thought it would be a nice treat for the kids.  They were enjoying playing in it, and running back and forth to their climbing wall/slide toy, taking buckets of water to cool down the plastic so it wouldn't be so hot on their bare feet and skin.  I was hanging up my laundry to dry outside.  After that was done, I decided it would be nice to sit in a chair, facing the sun, with my feet in the kiddie pool to relax in the five minutes I had before the Canucks hockey game started.  Ahhh.... I closed my eyes and soaked in the rays.  
Josiah WAS over on the slide, but I heard his little footsteps on the grass coming towards me, as he usually likes to be no further than 3 feet from me.  I figured since I had ventured away from the clothesline, that was closer to his slide, he wanted to be in the kiddie pool near me.  Not more than 10 seconds later, with my eyes still peacefully closed, "AAAHHHH!!!" I felt cold water being poured down my back!!  "Josiah!"  I squealed.  I opened my eyes to see him standing next to me with a now empty bucket grinning from ear to ear.  Grace rushed over to see what the matter was, and asked "Mommy, are you crying?"  I was laughing so hard it looked like I was crying.  But in fact, I was laughing hysterically, and saying "Josiah, I can't believe you just did that!"  Now I am soaking wet, and he leans over and plunks four quick kisses right on my lips, laughing HIS head off.  
Joel was in the front yard, but heard my squealing, and when he finally came to check what the kaffufle was all about, I told him that his son had just poured a bucket of water down my back when I was unarmed and peacefully unaware of what he was about to do.
We have known since Josiah was a tiny baby, that he likes to get a good laugh out of people.  Its amazing to see that he was born this way, and God gave him a little teasing gene.

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